About Marie Force

Marie Force is the New York Times bestselling author of more than 100 contemporary romance, romantic suspense and erotic romance novels. Her series include Fatal, First Family, Gansett Island, Butler Vermont, Quantum, Treading Water, Miami Nights and Wild Widows. She has also written 12 single titles, with more coming. Watch for her all-new Remington Family Law Series coming in 2026!
Her books have sold 15 million copies worldwide, have been translated into more than a dozen languages and have appeared on the New York Times bestseller list more than 30 times. She is also a USA Today and #1 Wall Street Journal bestseller, as well as a Spiegel bestseller in Germany.
Her goals in life are simple—to spend as much time as possible with her young adult children, to keep writing books for as long as she possibly can and to never be on a flight that makes the news.
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The Longer Story…
Born in Newport, Rhode Island, I grew up in
Next stop Maryland, where Dan was stationed at the National Security Agency. I answered a tiny ad in The Washington Post, which landed me the job I had until December 31, 2011, as the communications director for a nonprofit in Alexandria, Virginia. I served as
Dan spent a big chunk of the three years he was stationed on the Kennedy at sea, which was a barrel of laughs for a mom with an infant, a toddler, two dogs, a full-time job and one of those fabulous palatial houses you used to be able to buy for a song in Florida. Needless to say, the Jacksonville years passed in a blur of activity and late nights at work! Dan retired from the Navy in December 2001, and the following summer we decided to move back to Rhode Island where we reside today in Portsmouth, the town right next door to Middletown. We sold the McMansion and paid twice as much for this old house in Rhode Island. Never go from brand new to old. Don’t do it. In the summer of 2012, we made the move to a newer home in the same town and we’re really enjoying the new place.
When we lived in Jacksonville, the kids and I would drive down to Ft. Lauderdale to visit my parents who spent winters there. My dad and I would take long walks through the marinas where he would show me the boats we were going to buy someday. “You need to get busy writing that book,” he would say. My reply was always the same: “When exactly do you think I could fit that in? Between changing diapers and publishing magazines?” With a big grin, he would say, “Three to six a.m. is available. What are you doing then?” A pipe dream. That’s all it was. But there was this character running around in my head. A man with thick dark hair,
In 2002, I began to make some notes. Later, when we were getting ready to move, I stumbled upon those notes and laughed so hard I cried. It was God-awful. Clearly, I wasn’t ready. Once in a while, though, I’d reopen that file, take another look, and make some more notes. I vividly remember outlining the story I had in mind to Dan when we were out to dinner one night. He loved it and encouraged me to pursue it. I knew I wanted something to happen to Jack’s wife, Clare, something that would incapacitate her but not kill her. I had great plans to put Jack through the wringer, but inevitably, life would interfere, and he’d get relegated to the back burner.
After we moved to Rhode Island in August 2002, I started to get more serious about the book but still wasn’t able to get very far. A year later, in November 2003, my mother was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The next nine months were a roller coaster ride, during which I turned to the book more and more often, seeking an escape from the nightmare of my mother’s illness. By early August 2004, I had four solid chapters that my mother was the first to read. I made her cry, she said. She died on August 31, 2004.
Something that had lain dormant for years kicked into gear in the aftermath of my mother’s death. I asked myself—what are you waiting for? What meaning will it have to finally write that book if you wait until neither of your parents, the two people who always said you had it in you, aren’t around to read it? I firmly believe my mother is sending me these amazing characters who continue to pop up out of nowhere and lead me on one great adventure after another. How else can I possibly explain the incredible things that have happened in the years since she died?
I finished Jack’s book, Treading Water, on May 18, 2005, and published it along with its two sequels, Marking Time and Starting Over, in late 2011. (Read more about The House That Jack Built.) I’ve written more than 50 books since then, including Line of Scrimmage, which was the first to be published in September 2008, but no accomplishment will ever mean more to me than writing “The End” on that first one. You sort of expect the world to at least have the decency to tip on its axis in tribute to your enormous accomplishment. But alas, kids still have homework, there’s work and laundry and bills and dinner to make. Life goes on, but nothing is ever the same again.
Going back to 2010, authors were getting more and more excited about the opportunity to publish direct to readers via Kindle Direct Publishing. I decided to test the waters and published True North in November 2010 and The Fall in December 2010. Everyone Loves a Hero was
When people ask me what led me to the decision to self-publish, my reply is always the same: “No one was interested in these books except my readers.” And boy have they shown me the love for my self-published books! The McCarthys of Gansett Island Series now also includes Falling for Love, Hoping for Love, Season for Love, Longing for Love, Waiting for Love, Time for Love, Meant for Love, Chance for Love, Gansett After Dark, Kisses After Dark, Love After Dark, Celebration After Dark, Desire After Dark and Light After Dark with much more to come from the island including the start of Gansett Island Episodes in 2017. With more than 5 million sales of the Gansett Island Series, it’s safe to say that Mac, Maddie and the Gansett Island gang helped me find my readers. Waiting for Love, Book 8 in the series and my 25th published book, was the first to hit the New York Times list, at no. 6 on the ebook list and also hitting the combined e-book and print list—with only an e-book. That was the first time I’ve seen my name on the New York Times list. There are no words to describe the thrill of becoming a bestseller after so many years of hard work.
All You Need Is Love, Book 1 in my new Green Mountain Series from Berkley, was released on Feb. 4,
In April of 2015, I ventured into the erotic romance genre with my Quantum Trilogy Virtuous, Valorous and Victorious. All three books were New York Times bestsellers and the trilogy became a series with the release of Rapturous in January 2016 and Ravenous in August 2016 with Delirious released in 2017. I hope to write other erotic romances.
Every day I’m thankful for the amazingly loyal and supportive readers who’ve embraced my books and made all my dreams come true. Thank you to each and every one of you!
For those of you who want to see my office mates, Sam Sullivan, Louie and Brandy, follow my Instagram account and Sam’s account, too! LOL Click here to meet Team HTJB, the folks who keep everything running smoothly.
Check out my Frequently Asked Questions for more information about my books and series as well as answers to some of your burning questions!
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Nothing in the world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent.
~ Calvin Coolidge
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Marie Force, Gansett Island, A First Family Novel, A Wild Widows Novel, A Miami Nights Novel, A Green Mountain Romance, Quantum Series, Fatal Series and Butler, VT are registered trademarks with the United States Patent & Trademark Office.
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