Hotel Information
6The Crowne Plaza in Warwick, RI, will serve as our headquarters hotel. The Crowne offers a free shuttle from TF Greene Airport in Providence. Our block has sold out and we are working with the hotel to add additional rooms. Please contact for details.
All events for Reader Weekend will take place at the Crowne Plaza including the Friday Welcome Dinner, bus pick up for the day-trip to Block Island or Newport on Saturday and the dinner, book signing and Q&A with Marie on Saturday night.
Crowne Plaza Warwick, RI
801 Greenwich Avenue, Warwick, RI
Only registered attendees who have signed up and paid will be able to reserve rooms in the Reader Weekend room block at the Crowne Plaza. After you register and pay, you will receive hotel reservation information included in the registration confirmation email. For those that have already registered, you have been emailed information. If you didn’t receive details, please contact with any questions.
This event is contingent upon our ability to fulfill our room reservation commitment with the hotel. If we are not able to meet the number of room reservations required, the event WILL be cancelled. We encourage you to stay at the hotel so we can make this event as wonderful as we know it can be.

Above is an example of a room at the Crowne Plaza.

As a participant in the Reader Weekend, you agree to and understand the following:
You knowingly and freely assume all risks, both known and unknown, even if arising from the negligence of others, and assume full responsibility for your participation and hereby release and hold harmless Marie Force, HTJB, Inc. and their officers, officials, agents and/or employees (the “Organizers”) from any and all liabilities arising from the Reader Weekend.
The Organizers reserve the right to cancel the Reader Weekend and/or any of its components or events for any reason at any time.
If, due to inclement weather, mechanical difficulties, or other problems beyond the Organizers’ control, the Saturday daytrips are not operational or feasible on the scheduled day, the Organizers will not be responsible for refund of any portion of the registration fees or any related costs because of upfront expenses that will not be refunded to the Organizers. The Organizers will not be responsible for any personal costs or expenses incurred in relation to the Weekend including airline tickets, hotels, or other related expenses associated with the Weekend.