Who’s Who in Miami

Updated through How Much I Want. Warning for new readers: May contain spoilers for those who haven’t read all the books. Click here to view the family tree.

The Giordino Family

Marlene “Abuela” Navarro, widow of Luis Navarro, mother of Vivian Giordino, engaged to Alfredo Muñoz

Livia “Nona” Giordino, widow of Mario Giordino, mother to Vincent, Lorenzo and Francesca

Vincent Giordino, son of Livia and husband of Vivian Giordino, father of Carmen Giordino Northrup, owner of Giordino’s Restaurant

Vivian Giordino, daughter of Marlene “Abuela” Navarro, wife of Vincent Giordino and mother to Carmen Giordino, owner of Giordino’s Restaurant

Carmen Giordino Northrup, daughter of Vincent and Vivian Giordino, wife of Dr. Jason Northrup, PR Director at Miami-Dad General Hospital; widow to Antonio “Tony” D’Alessandro, killed at 24

Dr. Jason Northrup, husband of Carmen Giordino Northrup, pediatric neurosurgeon at Miami-Dade General Hospital

Josie and Len D’Alessandro, Tony’s parents


Lorenzo “Lo” Giordino, husband to Elena Giordino, father to Nico, Maria, Delores “Dee” and Milo Giordino; accountant

Elena Giordino, wife to Lorenzo Giordino; lawyer

Nico Giordino, son of Lorenzo and Elena Giordino; owns a car service, engaged to Sofia Diaz

Maria Giordino, daughter of Lorenzo and Elena Giordino, married to Austin Jacobs, nurse at Our Lady of Charity free clinic

Austin “AJ” Jacobs, married to Maria Giordino, father of Everly Jacobs; pitcher for Miami Marlins

Everly Jacobs, daughter of Austin Jacobs

Jeff and Deidre Jacobs, parents of Austin, Carter and Asher

Carter Jacobs, brother to Austin; professional baseball player

Asher Jacobs, brother to Austin; professional baseball player

Delores “Dee” Giordino, daughter of Lorenzo and Elena Giordino, engaged Dr. Wyatt Blake; general manager at Giordino’s restaurant

Dr. Wyatt Blake, engaged Dee Giordino; cardiothoracic surgeon

Gary and Dawn Blake, Wyatt’s parents

Milo Giordino, son of Lorenzo and Elena Giordino; computer specialist


Francesca Giordino, married to Domenic, sister to Vincent and Lorenzo Giordino, mother to Domenic Jr.

Domenic, married to Francesca Giordino, father to Domenic, Jr.

Domenic, Jr., son to Francesca and Domenic


Alfredo Muñoz, engaged to Marlene, widower of Diana

Sofia Diaz, waitress at Giordino’s, mother to Mateo, engaged to Nico Giordino

Mateo Diaz, son of Sofia and Joaquín

Joaquín Diaz, ex-husband of Sofia, father to Mateo